Local and Loyal Round – Junior Training Schedules
Local and Loyal Round – Junior Training Schedules
With Local and Loyal Round next Saturday (20th July), we invite all senior players to attend at least one of their respective Junior Clubs’ training session next week. We have only received Westbrook and Pennant Hills schedules thus far so keep your eyes out for North Ryde and Hornsby over the next few days.
Hornsby: TBC (Rofe Park)
North Ryde: TBC (Els Hall)
Westbrook/Northern Lights (Mike Kenny Oval)
5-6: u8’s and u10’s
530-630: u9’s
6-7: u11’s and 12’s
6-7: YG16’s and YG18’s
615-730 u17’s
600-730 u14/3
530-7: u13’s & 14’s
Pennant Hills (Ern Holmes Reserve)
U11/3 5.30
U12/3 5.30-6.30
U13/2 6.30-7.30
U15/2 6.30 Tues & Fri (light)
U15/3 6.30 Tues & Fri (light)
U17/2 6pm Tues
U8 Red 5.30pm
U8 White 5.30pm
U9 Red 5.30
U10 Blue 5.30pm
U10 Red 5.30pm
U11/1 5.15-6.30
U13/2 6.30-7.30
U13/3 “6.30-7.30 Tues
U15/2 6.30 Tues & Fri (light)
U15/3 6.30 Tues & Fri (light)
U17/2 6pm Tues
Youth Girls U/10 6-7 Thurs
Youth Girls U/14 6.30-7.45
Youth Girls U/16/2 6.30 – 750