November 15, 2018
Mental Health is an area of life that doesn’t discriminate, and it’s something that often goes unnoticed at Footy Clubs.


As a club, we want and NEED to do more to help those affected.
As such, the club is extremely excited to announce for 2019 that we will be introducing a Player Welfare Manager in Melissa Adams, mother of current players, James and Jordan. Melissa is an experienced counsellor and mental health worker and is passionate about mental health.
What does this role look like? Over the season the role will evolve but it may involve a casual chat at a home game on a Saturday or something a little more formal, that is up to you.

However the club is committed to this and would like to offer to anyone who does choose to engage with Melissa for a professional counselling service, that the first visit would be free of charge (covered by the club). Strict confidentiality applies and the club would not be provided any details.

In addition Melissa will be promoting how to improve mental health and looks forward to working closely with coaches and players in any capacity.
If you are interested in finding out a bit more about Melissa and her practice, click the link to their website: http://www.crossroadscounsellingpractice.com.au

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