Welcome to the 2017 season – 7 items to start the season
- Register
Every player, both returning and new, must register for the 2017 season.
Go to www.phafl.com.au and click on the second news story “REGO & FEES for 2017” or at the bottom of the page for the link to the registration page.
- Fees
2017 Registration fees must be paid by 25 March 2017. This can via the website www.phafl.com.au/afl-teams/rego/ or via Team App at the Penno online store. Registration is not only an important income source for the club, but covers all players for their player insurance.
- Communication
We communicate to all players and members via 3 formats
- Team App – our own app that sits on your phone and allows for real time communication. If you do not have Team App, go to the apple or android store and search for Teamapp or go to teamapp.com/app to download the app – then search for Pennant Hills AFL Club.
- Our website site – go to phafl.com.au
- Facebook and search for Pennant Hills Demons AFL Club – like the page
- Season launch
Our season launch is a critical function for all players, members, families and friends. It is Saturday 25 March at the West Pennant Hills Sports Club from 7.30pm. It is $35 a head with players, families and friends encouraged to attend.
- Sponsorship
It costs nearly $1,500 for each player to take the ground, and without sponsorship our registration fees would need to more than triple. There are still sponsorship opportunities for the 2017 season so please contact Jarrod Myers, our Sponsorship Manager, if you would like more information on sponsoring the club for the 2017 season email jarrod.k.myers@gmail.com or 0403 493 910.
- Volunteering
Volunteering is more than a requirement for all at a sports club, but also what connects a community. If you have a parent, neighbour or friend who is able to volunteer please have them contact Phil Hare email phillip.hare67@gmail.com or 0409 205 213 – we have roles as diverse as being a team manager, assisting in fundraising, to helping out on the game day.
- Our Club Motto
Club > Team > Self