Demons Dig – June
Player Profile
This month in ‘player profile’ we are chatting to Ellie Jones. Ellie is an important part of our inaugural girls team, she’s the team’s skipper and plays in the midfield. Just like all of her teammates it is her first year at the club. We were pretty excited to sit down with her and have a chat about how it is all going.
Name: Ellie Jones
Nickname: Ellie…. Or Tom calls me Elle Belle but that’s about it for the nicknames (cute).
Occupation: HSE consultant. I wanna be Captain Planet!
When did you join the club? Well I started getting involved with the club in 2006 when I started dating Tom but that only involved me going to the important games like finals and grand finals to watch him lose. As well as the occasional game when he guilt tripped me in to going by calling me a shit girlfriend and said that all the other girlfriends went to every game but me. It wasn’t until 2016 when I joined the girl’s team that I started getting really involved.
What sort of involvement in sport did you have before joining the Demons? Well I was a borderline professional surfer before footy but now my footy career has killed my surfing career because I can barely move after a game of footy let alone try and surf. But it will be well worth it once I’m drafted into the women’s GWS team next year.
What made you come down and give footy a go? Tom was in my ear about joining so to get him off my case I told him I would go to one training session, I was hooked within the first 5 minutes.
What’s your favourite thing about playing footy? I’ve found this new love for tackling, I finally understand now why boys like to rumble. Also just being part of a team and a club, I couldn’t ask for a better group of girls to play with.
What’s been your most memorable moment so far whilst playing with the girl’s team? Having better fines than the boys! Specifically hearing about Guff’s adventures. (Stories not exaggerated at all!)
You’re currently dating club captain Tommy Angel; tell us how it’s gone this year both being at the same club… It’s good because now that I play I’m a lot more Interested in the club and finally understand his love for footy.
Do you give him tips on his game? No but I ask him what advice I can give my team being the captain also for the girls…He gives me nothing.
You get a call at 3:00am from a private number; it’s a teammate of yours ringing because something has happened. Who is it and what has happened?
Well its either Tom telling me if I wanna get some sleep I shouldn’t come home and should sleep somewhere else (true story), or it’s Jessie asking me to go and pick her up from Nick Ryan’s place up the road.
Finally, what comes next for the Demons women’s team? Winning the Granny!!! It’s probably not gonna be this year but I think we have proved ourselves every week getting better and better and getting the good teams worked up because they have all been surprised in how well we are doing against them for a new team, making them turn and get angry against one another.
Social Radar (Upcoming Events)
Penno Old Boys Game (Saturday 1 July)
Demons Space Disco (Saturday July 9th)
Back to the Ern (Saturday July 30th)
Penno Election Coverage
With federal election winds in the air, we thought it was only fitting to get around the club and ask a few players what they would do if they could only vote for Pennant Hills players in the election. Big thanks to Joel Cousens, Jake Gunstone and Jordan Rene for giving us the time of day. This is how it went….
Which person from the club would be a good Australian prime minister and why?
Joel Cousens: Dan and Pat Witt, because of the endless possibilities.
Jordan Rene: Michael Cousens / Matt Carey would be the best prime minster because they are influential leaders that can speak clearly and plus they are funny.
Jake Gunstone: Jack Leedham – got infront of the playing group on 2015 footy trip and demonstrated just how far he was willing to go to get picked… Then showed a lot of resilience and character when Clarkey still didn’t pick him.
You’re voted in as prime minister of Australia, what’s the first law you pass?
J.C: Matt preen can’t have a shot for goal; just want to see what it does to his ego.
J.R: AFL Grand Final is a public holiday in all of the states. That is my first law!
J.G: Abolish the lockout laws – I know a few demons will be happy to see them gone (Leppa, Shep?)
If you were the Australian prime minister and you had to choose a cabinet filled entirely by Pennant Hills players, which ones would get a look in and why?
J.C: – Coops (just look at him)
– Adam Dallas, just to add some character
– Harry Angel, would come up with some good ideas
-Tommy Edmonds, put out all the ideas in government that no one listens too
J.R: -Evan (just look at him)
-Ranga would be perfect for the job because he has high amount of knowledge in politics because he graduated from Harvard plus he can accurately fill out the spreadsheets!
– Adam Dallas and Maine just to add some character in the group because it is always needed.
– Harry Angel, can come up with some creative ideas and projects because he is indie apparently.
-Jack Patten because of his leadership and debating skills!
J.G: – Seb Parker (The Enforcer): Need someone who knows how to fight when push comes to shove and someone with a bit of muscle to intimidate.
– Maine Vidler (The Strategist): The clubs weirdest demon, it will be useful having someone with a mind that’s different and has the ability to think outside of the box.
– Macca (The Consultant): Has an opinion on everything, will maintain a high dress code and the other boys will get a good laugh out of his lisp.
– Cam Smith (The Spokesperson): With a few rough looking blokes above, Cams main role will be to help raise the average of the group. Don’t want the rest of the cabinet getting pissed off at Seb for scaring all the girls away.
Lastly, and most importantly…there’s always a BBQ at the voting centers. What condiments do you put on your sausage sandwich?
J.C: BBQ and sweet chili sauce
J.R: Chili sauce
J.G: Onions and tomato sauce. Don’t ask stupid questions.
Best of the Fines
$2 Nick Hey for not getting around me on the weekend even though I set up his goal and said to him hey hey hey he still didn’t respond, rough days at the office for Jordan Rene (Jordan Rene)
$2 Macca for having crap fines! (Jordan Rene)
$2 for Stegs for breaking his leg at training! (Jordan Rene)
$2 for the girls kicking 10 goals but having 23 behinds! (Jordan Rene)
$2 for Adam Dallas looking like Mitch Trenaman (Jordan Rene)
$2 Dan Preen, because your Dad attends training more than you. (Tom Edmonds)
$2 Seb Parker for not having aged a day since the 2008 Sydney AFL Grand Final… You still look 45 years old. (Joel Cousens)
$ Macca shit haircut. (Joel Cousens)
$2 Lukas DeVries for using Maine Vidler’s recently removed ‘body part’ as his chewing gum. (Joel Cousens)
$2 Tommy Edmonds for offering to write all the articles on team app because it is the only place where people cant tell him to shut up. (Joel Cousens)
$2 Joel Cousens for getting away with whatever he wants because he is Cuz’s son. (Joel Cousens)
$2 Jack Preedy, caught sucking a girls face off at a uni party in a photo he was tagged in on facebook. (Tom Edmonds)
$2 Jimmy Carroll for asking to be called ‘Jizz’ Carroll. (Ben Urwin)
$2 Fiddles, leaving at half times of the girl’s game to go and DJ. (Ben Urwin)
$ Dan Witt, taking 3 weeks off for a 1 week injury. (Ben Urwin)
Only a few this month, remember to keep sending them in!
Ryan ‘Leppa’ Lepore looks like Jimmy Bartel, if only he played like him!
Joely Cousens looks like a young Eddie McGuire.
Tim Wales looks like Pauline Hanson. Enough said.
Adam Dallas and Mitch Trenaman look like long lost brothers. No wonder they love each other so much!
Gossip Column
- Space Disco Preparations under way. Our annual Demons social is coming up on the 9th of July. This year it is going to be a space disco theme. If you haven’t got your tickets be sure to lock them in. Once that is done get a move on your costumes as this year should be huge!
- Nick Hey bags 7 goals. This one is fresh off the press. Nick Hey kicked 7 goals in a breakout game for the young star. After battling some form issues in the last couple of years it was good to see him get the monkeys off the back and put on a stunning performance for the Prem’s yesterday against Wests. Well-done mate!
- DJ Fiddles hits Europe. The women’s team coach Fiddles is heading to Europe for just under a month to do some traveling. That means the coaching reigns will be handed to Todd Williams. Todd is a friend of the Demons after coaching our Under 19’s Div 2 team last year and we are sure he will do a great job with the girls while Fids is away. So far this year the girls are on fire so we hope that can continue under Todd’s guidance. Enjoy your trip Fids!
- Double ACL Heartbreak. To have two ACL’s in one team in one year is freaky, let alone two in one match. That was the case for a very unlucky Prem’s team which now has senior coach Chris Yard, along with his physio staff, scratching their heads. Matt ‘King’ Carey and Jono Gourlay both ruptured their ACL whilst playing against Sydney Uni, typically the gossip column is a bit of fun but we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to wish the boys the best of luck in their recovery and let them know that the whole Dees family has them in the front of their minds. Good luck boys.
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