Pennant Hills Senior AFL Club will holding Come N Try Girls AFL sessions on Tuesday 24 February and Tuesday March 3

Pennant Hills Senior AFL Club will holding Come N Try Girls AFL sessions on Tuesday 24 February and Tuesday March 3

February 16, 2015

enl_Sophie_close_upPennant Hills Senior AFL Club will holding Come N Try Girls AFL sessions on Tuesday 24 February and Tuesday March 3 Sydney Swans stars will throw their weight behind Pennant Hills’ push to field an inaugural female team in 2015, headlining the first of two come and try nights at the club, with females of all abilities encouraged to participate. Pennant Hills President Phillip Hare stated, “Our Senior Men’s teams have doubled in the last 3 years and we now are continually fielding requests for a Girls AFL team. In response to this we have worked with Sydney AFL to hold 2 two Come N Try AFL sessions for Girls. If we get enough interest from these events we will be entering a Girls team in the 2015 Sydney AFL competition.” Libby Sadler, Female Programs Manager in NSW/ACT, urged girls of all abilities to come and try AFL. “Girls AFL is growing across Sydney and NSW and is a great game to keep Girls active and involved in Sport,” said Sadler. “If you like to Run, Jump, chase, Kick a ball, Mark a ball and the occasional tackle – AFL is for you. The senior Female AFL program is open for all girls 16 or older.” Charlotte Owen said – “I never thought I would like the game so much. It combines the best of all sports. I am looking forward to taking a speccy mark in a game and chasing down the opposition for a tackle.” DETAILS: Pennant Hills female Come N Try nights Tuesday February 24 (with Sydney Swans stars in attendance) Tuesday March 3 Both nights begin at 6:30pm Greenway Park, Cherrybrook For more information contact Philip Hare on 0409 205 213

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